Meeting The Bad Kids
Meeting these kids are just flat out crazy but at again funny. But once you get to know them they start to open a little more and I cant say being the executive producer is a easy job cause it not but the point is Yes! These kids have there up and downs but they sure can work on them threw this club.Its not about being Bad its about working together to gain confidence in yourself that you can do better.

now moving on to Fights!
This show is 100% no playing unless there the two that are fighting and there just friends thats playing but other than that the show is 100%. Fights just cant appear out of the sky if you watch the show there are crazy kids in this house who some are just messy and some are just quick to pop off or I can say speak out first.But unfortunately whom ever swings first will get sent home and you can come back to the reunion and we will call you a week ahead of time to make sure you have a way!
Never let anyone tell you cant be on the Bad Kids Club because you one this show for one main reason and that to gain respect from people but you didnt come to the house just for mess you need to come for a purpose and a story to tell.